Episode 1 Have You Found The Kingdom?
Justine   -  

Have You Found the Kingdom

After being Christians for a while, and the initial honeymoon period wears off, many believers build a version of their own Christian faith. It includes their favourite Bible passages and attempts to avoid sin, but it is not the full Gospel. It is infused with their culture, upbringing, various life experiences, and various prejudices. This does not help us line our passion and skills up with the work God is doing on planet earth. 
This session will address the question – 
  1. Do we only embrace the aspects of our faith that make us feel comfortable and ignore anything that could challenge how us in regard to the narrow way of the Lord? 
  1. When it comes to the events of the world – do we just say “well what has that got to do with me? I didn’t cause it and it is too big for me to do anything about anyway?” 
This session, and indeed this series, will explore this question with the intention to discover the true purposes of God that we are called to align ourselves with. It is based on the authors years of study on the concept of the Kingdom of God.