Bulletin March 2022 by Bruce Billington What is Freedom? With the recent freedom protest groups, marches and gatherings that have been experienced firstly in...
Bulletin February 2022 by Bruce Billington Let’s Go Welcome to 2022. I trust many of you had a good break and are ready to embrace all the Lord would have...
Bulletin December 2021 by Bruce Billington Rest Amidst the Storm The opening words of Psalm 23 become especially important at this time of the year. “The...
Bulletin November 2021 by Bruce Billington A New Church Movement I am interested today, to learn that many are claiming that the days of what we called the...
Bulletin October 2021 by Bruce Billington Let’s Go Fishing Psalm 119:73-74 – “Your hands made me and fashioned me; Give me...
Bulletin September 2021 by Bruce Billington Standing in the Faith I came to Christ at the heart of the Charismatic/Pentecostal movement and remain very grateful...