Everyone's A Theologian: An Introduction to Systematic Theology

by R.C. Sproul

Reviewed by Natalie Holmyard

I’m fairly certain that not everyone loves reading books with the same passion I do. However……if I can make one recommendation of a book to read next year……….Everyone’s a Theologian by R.C.Sproul would be it.

This book was suggested to all of us at the Restorers Conference by our beloved Gerald, (along with several other books). “Little books that help us understand the Big Book”, was how Gerald articulately described them.

I ordered all of his recommendations the week after the function and have just finished my first read-through of them.

I am now going to spend my 3 months of summer devouring this book and all its wisdom and goodness. (This has been my pattern of studying books – 1 to deeply study per season sees me deeply studying 4 books per year).

How I longed for such a concise overview and teaching of systematic theology in my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s.  By my 50s, I had spent a couple of decades pouring through much larger and more complex systematic theology works – which has been of great benefit to me but, at times, has left me overwhelmed, confused and a little edgy, lol.

This book is such a wonderful, foundational underlay to our faith.  It outlines and goes into understandable and comprehensible details about the systematic elements of our faith that, as disciples of Christ in His Kingdom, we must take the time and do the work to know.

This book has been added to my top 5 “little books” of all time.

May I encourage you with deep conviction to get a copy of this book and give your summer or winter, depending on your hemisphere, to reading and then studying this book.

Then, may it become a lasting resource for you and your family to draw from this side of heaven.