Bulletin Article February 2024

Strategicresourcetraining   -  

by David & Natalie Holmyard

It’s About Relationship

Hi everyone, and welcome back to SRT and our study groups for 2024. We hope and pray that you have had a blessed and fruitful Christmas and New Year season with your loved ones and family.

We are excited to commence our Living Life God’s Way Study Groups this month and are prayerfully supporting you, your family, and your facilitators as we begin this journey together.

What we know for sure about LLGW is that if you are prepared to do the work with the Holy Spirit by surrendering to these teachings from Dennis, you will give yourself the best opportunity for Father to grow you, mature you, and take you from one degree of transformation to another. However, here’s the rub: it won’t be easy—in fact, it will probably be very difficult. It will test you, inconvenience you, and likely cause suffering.


“Therefore, I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air; but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.” 1 Corinthians 9:26-27

So, what does the work look like as we walk out these next 8 Lessons together in 2024? 

We highly recommend that you and your family listen to each audio multiple times throughout the month. Listening through the day before the study call won’t serve you or be helpful in driving deep and lasting transformation. During at least one of your audio sessions per month, take the time with a journal and pen to take notes. As you take notes, pray, meditate on the teachings, seek out the scriptures, write the scriptures in your journal, and choose to commit the scriptures that the Holy Spirit is witnessing to you to memory. 

Importantly, if you haven’t already done so, seek the Lord for how He would have you start your own strategic life journal. This is a must for every disciple. We MUST become strategic in our own personal walk with the Father. If we hope to see our children and faith community become strategic in their own journey with the Lord, then we are compelled to have this fruit in our own life before we can suggest or require it of them. 

We cannot stress this enough—do whatever is required for you to surrender into the work of becoming a strategic disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.” Hebrews 12:11 NASB1995

Most importantly, as in all the work we do in the Kingdom, this is about relationship first. Relationship with our loving and almighty Father. Relationship with our saviour and King, Jesus. Relationship with our counsellor and comforter, the Holy Spirit. We do the work because we are sons and daughters of the living God. This work is a fruit of who we are in Him.

God bless you and keep you. We look forward to the year ahead and what the Lord will do in all of us.

Natalie and David.