Weekly Devotional 4th October, 2024

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by Bruce Billington

Weekly Devotional 4th October 2024

We are continuing to explore the knowledge of God as expressed in the Psalms. This week we will look at Psalm 110 which is also a Psalm of David.

Psalm 110:1-2“The LORD says to my Lord: “Sit at My right hand Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.” 2 The LORD will stretch forth Your strong sceptre from Zion, saying, “Rule in the midst of Your enemies.”

This is one of the most-quoted psalms in the New Testament because of its clear references to the Messiah. Jesus recited these words in Matthew 22:41-45 and applied them to himself. 

We should greatly prize the revelation of the relationship between the Father and Son given here because if God had not spoken to us about it and informed us of His intentions for His sons and daughters, we would never know. The knowledge of these truths is essential for our comfort and growth in His Ways or His grace. 

In Verse One we see that Jesus is placed at the right hand of the King. This is the highest place of honour (1 Kings 2:19). In this seat He is given power, dominion, and dignity, and is to sit there by divine appointment while His Father God fights for Him and lays every rebel beneath his feet. He sits there by the Father’s invitation and declaration and will sit there despite all the raging of His adversaries until they are all subdued and brought to shame. His throne is exalted far above all principalities and powers in heavenly places. 

Incredibly, there is so much in this for us. He sits there as our representative, draws us near to God and intercedes for us (Hebrews 7:25). He is the sole and supreme Head of the Church and sits as this now, even though all His enemies are not yet subdued. He sits because His work is done, the enemy has been defeated and all that is needed is our work, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to establish what must still be accomplished for His return upon this earth. 

We need never fear the future because the work of subduing the nations is in His hands. However numerous the enemies may be who attempt to take over this world, destroy people and nations and subvert the course of God’s chosen history, they shall never prevail against God’s immutable purpose, but, on the contrary, they shall, by the greatness of His power, be laid prostrate at Christ’s feet. 

 In Verse Two we are told that it is in and through the church that the present power of the Messiah is known. This is important not just to know but also to walk in. The authority that Jesus was given by God the Father, is that He will reign in and through His people – the church. He rules with His strong sceptre from Zion – that sceptre is us – His church. We are given divine power and energy which goes forth and subdues His enemies through our expression of the Kingdom of God and our role in gathering up those unsaved that we can reach out to. 

Of course, during this time Jesus is not inactive. John 5:17 tells us that He is working just as His Father is. The whole Trinity constantly works towards the end goal when all their enemies will be subdued under their feet. How this is done is not always known to us but we can rest assured that it is happening. Although it may seem that the whole world is in opposition to this Kingdom, the promise is that it will continue to spread and prosper. We rest in the promise that God will demonstrate His invincible power and that there is nothing they can do to separate Christ from the right hand of the Father. 

Yes – we will experience many hardships, but we are assured of God’s aid and that all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). 

We still have work to do but it is a privilege to be given the opportunity to work with the Holy Trinity in bringing an expression of the world to come, into the here and now. 

God Bless You

Bruce Billington