Weekly Devotional 24th of May, 2024

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by Bruce Billington

Weekly Devotional 24th of May 2024


We are continuing to explore the knowledge of God as expressed in the Psalms. This week we look at the final verses of Psalm 93. This Psalm focuses on the majesty of God.  

Psalm 98:1-2 – “The LORD reigns, He is clothed with majesty; The LORD has clothed and girded Himself with strength; Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved. Your throne is established from of old; You are from everlasting.”

The expression “the LORD reigns” can also be translated as “Yahweh has become King.” This can mean many things to us, none of which are wrong, as the nature and character of God have endless attributes. We may consider a celebration of some great victory that has revealed His rule, or we may rejoice in His great plan of salvation that He has made available to us, or that the fullness of His Kingdom is coming at the end of the age. 

What we need to establish here is that whatever happens here on earth, God’s throne is unmoved. He has reigned, does reign, and will reign forever and ever. All things are ordered according to His eternal purposes, and His will be done. 

At times the circumstances around us may try and suggest that the Lord has vacated His throne, but in His timing, He will act and then nothing or no one can stand in His way. Spurgeon makes a great statement here. He says, 

He is clothed with majesty and everything which surrounds him is majestic. His is not the semblance but the reality of sovereignty. In nature, providence, and salvation the Lord is infinite in majesty. Happy are the people among whom the Lord appears in all the glory of his grace, conquering their enemies, and subduing all things unto himself; then indeed is he seen to be clothed with majesty.

The Psalmist also says that He clothed with strength. 

Our prayer should constantly be that He may appear to us in our day, in His manifest majesty and might, saving sinners, disempowering enemies and evil regimes, and honouring His own name. 

Strength always dwells in the almighty God, but sometimes He hides His power, until, often in answer to our cries, He puts on strength, assumes the throne, and defends us. It should be a constant theme for prayer, that in our day the reign of the Lord may be conspicuous, and His power displayed on behalf of all those in Christ. We should pray daily that “Thy kingdom come” and constantly declare that the Lord Jesus Christ does reign despite what the world around us may look like. God will not neglect or abandon the world, because He created it and loves it.

We need to look outside our own situations and see that the heavens still revolve daily, the sun and the moon arise daily; the planets, in all their wanderings, maintain their respective positions and the earth continues to hang suspended in the air according to the design of the Almighty. 

The throne mentioned in verse 2, is established upon God’s righteousness and is the office or power of government. It is foolish to think that humanity can in any way destroy or disrupt the mechanisms God has put in place for this planet. Although we may have weapons of mass destruction, the ability to destroy this earth has never been given to humanity and it defies Scripture and the majesty of God to ever suggest otherwise. 

God’s response is written in Psalm 2. It says, 

Psalm 2:4-6 “He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them. Then He will speak to them in His anger And terrify them in His fury, But as for Me, I have installed My King Upon Zion, My holy mountain.”

God laughs at all assumptions of power humanity claims to have – but He doesn’t laugh for long. He takes action through His King – the Lord Jesus Christ. 

It is our delight that we are part of His wonderful plan in Christ, and we need not fear – because, come what may, our God reigns. 

May God bless you and keep you.  

Bruce Billington